UnMasked Expressive Therapies provides a variety of services for adults.
While many adults are scared of "art" and feel they are no longer creative, because they "can't draw a straight line". In truth, the human brain never ceases to be creative: in the way we move, in the way we dress, even the pattern of the words we choose. Art Therapy utilizes much scribbling and playful mess making as a means to find new understanding in life's messes. Just as children explore the world through mess making, art therapy can use a multitude of creative modalities to access the non-verbal emotion rich center of the brain as a means to uncover old and create new life stories. Trauma and emotions are stored in the non-verbal portion of the brain in visual and sensory memories. When creative activity is utilized to express these images, it can be removed from the body and resolved. First Aid Fridays is an open art studio for individuals desiring to attain an maintain emotional wellness through creative expression in a group setting Individual Sessions Art therapy is a field within the mental health profession in which clients, aided by the art therapist, use art media, and the creative process, to explore their feelings. This allows a reconciliation of emotional conflicts and foster self-awareness. Creative expression can reduce anxiety, and increase self-esteem. Art therapy can improve or restore a sense of personal well-being. |
PAVEing Bridges- Since 2013, Tami Joe DeLisle has been providing services for the clients of PAVE. UnMasked is working to extend that service for clients as a bridge as to community services. As survivors of domestic violence work to rebuild healthy relationships, UnMasked will provide therapy groups to promote mental health, decrease stress and alleviate trauma. Individual confidentiality is rigorously maintained as we provide a safe, comforting environment for clients to heal, and learn to give themselves a voice in their community, as well as in their own minds. PAVEing Bridges helps survivors to see their worth and take the net step towards health and wellness. Self-expression gives a voice, a suit of armor to cover the terror of abuse and helps to remind the client just how brave they are.
Silent Soldiers- After a period of service, Many service men and women struggles with Anxiety, Depression, Addiction and PTSD. UnMasked offers an Art Therapy program to the families who have given so freely to protect our freedoms. Sometimes it is difficult to leave the baggage of service behind, the journey need expression. Veterans find it difficult to establish therapeutic due to a resistant and strongly masculine culture within the military, however, that resistance can be overcome in the creative atmosphere of the art therapy group. Art Therapists adopts a mental health recovery framework with a role not as expert, but as guide. A non-directive approach gives veterans an opportunity to gain control over their recovery and derive an understanding and meaning of their personal experience, leading to long term healing. Art making provides a variety of ways to express psychological needs and allows for a transformation of those images to create internal change and healing. |